DREAMCATCHER: Alex Hossack and Catherine Aubrey interpret your dreams

Todays dream from Sarah:

I was pregnant. My stomach was large and the skin tight.

I went to the hospital. It was a bright spring day. I found a vacant bed in a ward with 2 beds and an open/glass entrance. I lay on the bed.

My daughter and two other children arrived and came into the room with me. I knew I wasn’t ready to give birth and probably shouldn’t be there.

We walked into the roadway in front of the room I had been in. I decided I shouldn’t be there. My daughter and the others had gone, but as I was deciding whether to leave, I saw doctors coming so I went back to the room and lay on the bed.

I noticed the baby’s head was on the left side of my stomach as I looked down and knew it wasn’t ready to be born. The doctors examined my stomach and didn’t make me feel I shouldn’t be there, I was relieved. I woke up.

Dream Interpretation:

There is the start of something new in the dreamer’s life. It is a significant change and involves both feelings of tension and some comfort.

The dreamer is struggling to make decisions in this situation. She feels there are options open to her but she shifts between a state of un-readiness to address the problem and one where she is able to examine her feelings.

The dreamer uses symbols of a vacant bed and close family having gone, to represent loneliness and emptiness. She has tried to walk away from the situation but ultimately she has accepted help and realises that it is ok for her to feel these confusing emotions in her current circumstances.

If the dreamer would like to provide feedback about the interpretation, please send it to ACDreamcatchers@mail.com.

Interestingly, we have found it is not always possible to interpret your own dream, probably because it often represents the sublimation of feelings or thoughts that we are trying to avoid in our waking lives. However, with a little assistance from the dream interpreter, the symbols and themes can start to make sense and help us to move forward.

If you are interested in having a particular dream analysed, please send us an account of your dream to the following email address: ACDreamcatchers@mail.com We only have space to interpret one dream a week which will be selected from those received. Please refer to the guidance provided to describe your dream as this will enable us to provide a full interpretation.

Guidance for the Dreamer:

• Record your dream in writing as soon as you wake up with as much detail as possible.

• First of all ask yourself who is in the dream.

• Where are you, what is happening to you and what is happening around you?

• Record how you are feeling about what you and/or others are doing.

• Are there particular symbols or objects in the dream that are unusual?

• Are there any sounds and is the dream in colour or black and white?

• Are you watching yourself in the dream or are you experiencing it first-hand ie: through your own eyes.

Alex Hossack and Catherine Aubrey are Public Service professionals with years of experience as practitioners and managers in the Criminal Justice System.