Westmorland Gazette reader Robin Knowles took this photograph at Buttermere on Saturday, April 1.

"I had been walking in the Vale of Lorton near Cockermouth, up Low Fell to be exact, afterwards I drove to Buttermere to have a well-earned bar meal in the Bridge Inn!

"On a whim, I decided to walk down to the lake edge to look for 'that tree'. You must know it, it's a very well-photographed tree, but I had never found it before. It was nearly 7pm and beginning to get dark.

"On reaching the lake shore I turned left and walked for about 100m and, to my delight, found the tree.

"Five minutes after I arrived, a sudden, sharp shower swept dramatically across the lake and the result was what you see in my photograph! I actually looked up into the sky and said 'thank you' as I know I had witnessed a wonderful sight and caught it on my camera!

"I took about 50 shots in the space of ten minutes, but this was by far the best result and I am very proud of it. I actually think it's one of the best pictures I've ever taken and I've been snapping for over 30 years! I've called it Buttermere Rainbow.

Mr Knowles lived in Cockermouth from 2004 until 2010. He now lives in the Midlands and described himself as a frustrated exile who now only visits the Lakes two or three times a year .

* If you have taken a great photograph, email a jpg to andrew.thomas@kendal.newsquest.co.uk with brief details about yourself and how the picture came be taken.