THE way which the public participates in planning matters in South Lakeland could be set to change.

South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is considering measures to limit the number of people who speaking at planning committee meetings in an effort to streamline the process.

One option being considered is to allow only one speaker in favour and one against each planning proposal. Other than that only a district councillor and either a town or parish councillor would be able to speak before committee members.

It has also been proposed speakers must register speak two days before the meeting.

Currently anyone can register their wish to address the committee right up the start of the meeting and there is no limit to the number of people who can speak.

Cllr Janette Jenkinson welcomed the proposals, heard at a meeting of the committee at Kendal Town Hall.

"We have got to be effective, efficient and fair," she said. "We've got to be fair to everybody and looking at these changes, they are helping that.

"We should start limiting it because it is getting a bit out of hand. If people know they are the only people speaking then they will concentrate on the issues. We do get a lot of waffling at times."

Cllr Kevin Lancaster, however, warned against a move to limit the number of speakers.

He said: "It would be impossible for officers to determine who is the right person to speak.

"It is irritating if we have 17 people talking complete guff but the 18th person might say something members hadn't previously considered."

Cllr Sylvia Emmott added: "The planning committee is one of the major front-facing committees this council has and it is how the public sees us.

"I cannot support any limit to speakers. We have to show we are democratic and listen to all views."

Members agreed to meet to discuss future options for public participation, in the hope of having a revised system in place by January 2018.