A SOUTH Lakes school is celebrating a positive start to the calendar year, having been rated 'good' with 'outstanding features' in an Ofsted report carried out late in 2017.

Dallam School had its long overdue visit on Wednesday December 13.

Despite this being in the last full working week of a long and busy term, and straight after the end of Year 11 mocks, the the inspectors were able to re-validate Dallam as a good school with continuing outstanding features in a number of areas including the Sixth Form.

Headteacher, William Bancroft, said: "I am extremely proud of the work and effort by students, staff and governors that has led to this extremely positive report.

"The validation of not just our students’ high achievement but also the ethos of care and inclusion which is such an important part of our vision is very rewarding.

"Inspectors praised many areas including; students’ behaviour and attitude to learning, reading and writing, the rich and rewarding Sixth Form Curriculum where the growth of the International Baccalaureate which has led to the Sixth Form sustaining its outstanding status.

"Safeguarding and attendance were highly praised as were governance, monitoring and evaluation and the strong progress made by disadvantaged students. This is a tremendous accolade for a wonderful school."

In a letter to the headteacher, inspector Stephen Ruddy said: "The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school

since the last inspection.

"Pupils have good outcomes across a broad range of subjects and across year groups.

"Teaching is routinely good, including in English and mathematics. Teachers have strong subject knowledge and pupils respond positively to the work that they are set.

"Pupils are aware of risks and know how to remain safe. Staff are regularly updated about safeguarding issues, including from external agencies to provide additional expertise at times when you have identified specific needs arising.

"We found that the sixth form remains a strength of the school and the curriculum that it offers students is rich and rewarding."

Dallam School is a comprehensive, state boarding school with 1000 students who travel from both South Cumbria and North Lancashire and 129 boarders from countries as far apart as Hong Kong, Nigeria, Australia and Brazil.