DREAMCATCHER: Alex Hossack and Catherine Aubrey interpret your dreams

Carl’s Dream:

I was with Mrs Moore, a neighbour, walking through the streets trying to find her house but couldn’t find it.

I eventually saw one then realised that it wasn’t it. Then I saw a big house on the corner with no front, no front door or windows, covered from roof to floor with sheets.

I pulled the sheets away and people were sitting in armchairs talking, comfortable but looking for something that was hard to find.

They don’t feel alone and haven’t found what they are looking for - something that should feel normal, but was covered up.

Dream interpretation:

The dreamer is searching for the essence of herself based on the way that her life has developed, but is unable to do so.

The dream starts by walking with her neighbour chosen as she represents a particular quality in herself. There is also a theme of hiding, probably from her feelings which has allowed her to become comfortable with herself even though she is aware of this.

She catches a glimpse of her real herself but dismisses it accepting that she is ‘empty’, but she has become comfortable with this way of living.

She ‘peeps’ underneath her facade, represented by lifting the sheets, but cannot find her real self. She accepts that she is not hard to find but has become comfortable enough in her set ways and decides to leave it covered up.

This dreamer has adjusted her way of life into a position the suits her. She is aware that covering up her problems is not the most comfortable at times but is more comfortable to let it stand and not confront it.

If the dreamer would like to provide feedback about the interpretation, please send it to ACDreamcatchers@mail.com.

Interestingly, we have found it is not always possible to interpret your own dream, probably because it often represents the sublimation of feelings or thoughts that we are trying to avoid in our waking lives. However, with a little assistance from the dream interpreter, the symbols and themes can start to make sense and help us to move forward.

If you are interested in having a particular dream analysed, please send us an account of your dream to the following email address: ACDreamcatchers@mail.com

Guidance for the Dreamer:

• Record your dream in writing as soon as you wake up with as much detail as possible.

• First of all ask yourself who is in the dream.

• Where are you, what is happening to you and what is happening around you?

• Record how you are feeling about what you and/or others are doing.

• Are there particular symbols or objects in the dream that are unusual?

• Are there any sounds and is the dream in colour or black and white?

• Are you watching yourself in the dream or are you experiencing it first-hand ie: through your own eyes.

Alex Hossack and Catherine Aubrey are Public Service professionals with years of experience as practitioners and managers in the Criminal Justice System.