WESTMORLAND and Lonsdale MP Tim Farron has the fifth highest expenses out of the 644 MPs in Parliament, according to statistics released this week.

Mr Farron, who is a Liberal Democrat claimed £172,327 in expenses over the last year.

The average amount claimed by MPs was £135,850.

Mr Farron claimed £22,110 to cover the cost of staying away from home, £22,190 for office running expenses, £85,519 for staffing costs, £4,450 for car costs and £11,559 for rail costs and £1,643 for staff travel.

He also spent £6,391 on stationery and £17,383 on postage and £1,082 on IT.

Mr Farron said that his high expenses were due to stationery costs entailed by the campaign to save services at Westmorland General Hospital.

"The majority of households in my constituency have had contact with me about the situation at the hospital.

"Not only do I reply to them, I try and mobilise them as well by communicating things to do that would be helpful."

Topping the list was Labour MP Shahid Malik who represents Dewsbury and claimed £185,421.