A GROUP of mums intent on saving their village’s playground have embarked on a freezing challenge over the winter.

Ten women from Staveley have challenged themselves to collectively swim 50 times in Lake District waters this December and January.

Their mission is part of a community effort to raise money to refurbish Staveley’s playground, which was closed at the end of October following an inspection by South Lakeland District Council, who deemed the site was 'high risk' after reports of children sustaining injuries.

The planned work would include path improvements and the creation of a pump track - of between 1,000 and 1,500 square metres in size - adjacent to the site.

So far the mums have completed seven swims after kicking off the challenge on December 1.

After smashing their initial £500 target they are now hoping to raise £3,000.

Mum of two Gwen Woznikowsa, who came up with the fundraiser challenge, said: “We're all feeling the buzz from not only the cold water, but all the wonderful support and encouragement we've received from our family, friends, community and even people further afield.

“We've smashed our £500 goal only six swims in, so we're being bold and have adjusted our goal to £3000.

“To be able to do something that we all enjoy so much, has huge health benefits-mentally and physically, as well as do some good for our community is really great!

“Our children are so excited that the first phase of the playground is going ahead and we just can't wait to see their faces and hear their squeals of delight when they first run through that gate.

“But first we've got a whole lot of swimming to do to raise as much money as we can so that all the plans for the playground and recreation ground can be achieved.”

The project is expected to cost 'at least' £120,000 overall.

£30,000 had already been collected by October to carry out phase one of the project.

The WINTER SWIM CHALLENGE - Save Staveley Playground can be found on GoFundMe.