An award-winning Cumbrian author is returning to Kendal to promote her latest novel.

Sarah Hall, who was born in the Lake District, released her new book Burntcoat on 2 November, and will be hosting a book-signing event at Waterstones in Kendal on Thursday 16 November between 5pm and 7pm.

The novel has received good reviews and has been chosen as The Guardian’s book of the week.

The Westmorland Gazette: COVER: Sarah Hall's latest bookCOVER: Sarah Hall's latest book

The Guardian’s Lara Feigel said: “At once epic and miniature, the story of two lovers cut off from a disintegrating world ... This terrible, ambivalent closeness takes all of Hall’s magnificent powers as a novelist to describe. I was left feeling that only she could write it ... The hope in this sparse, sumptuous, brilliant book is that the work of finding meaning and truth can be continued even in extremity, even as art and love slip away.”

Burntcoat is Hall's sixth novel, which she started writing on the first day of the national lockdown in March 2020.

She has also released three short-story collections, and is the only author to have won the BBC National Short Story Award twice.

Hall is hosting an exclusive online short story course this winter in her role at the University of Cumbria.