CARNFORTH Town Council are acting on an issue around traffic on Market Street from the A6.

The town has seen a number of insistences where HGV long vehicles traveling down the street have resulted in damage being done to a barrier that protects the traffic light control box and additional damage to the traffic light pole itself.

The Town Council have been concerned for some time about the safety implications of these accidents and have been working with Lancashire County Council to develop ideas that may help.

Together they are proposing to re-site the ‘stop-line’ at the traffic lights exiting lower market street.

The line will be moved back towards Carnforth Book shop, which will provide a better turning circle for long vehicles.

The impact on vehicles using Walmsley Street will be carefully monitored once the work is completed.

The council expect the work to be completed before summer, along with some re-lining work on Market Street.

Spokesperson Bob Bailey says: "As residents are aware, there is limited space at the junction to introduce wholesale changes and after considering several options the County Council is proposing to re-site the ‘stop-line’ at the traffic lights exiting lower Market Street.

"The line will be moved back towards Carnforth Book Shop, which will provide a greater turning circle for long vehicles.

"The impact on vehicles using Walmsley Street will be carefully monitored once the work is completed.

"We expect that this work will be completed before the summer, along with some re-lining work on Market Street.’’