A TOWN councillor is bringing Pride to Kendal.

Councillor Adam Edwards is currently planning to bring the celebration to the town for the first time in June.

Pride is a public event, usually involving a parade, to celebrate gay and other LGTBQ+ people, culture and experience.

First intended to take place on Sandylands the idea has grown and will possibly become a part of Kendal’s Cumbria Unity Festival this year.

A number of businesses and organisations have already added their support to the idea.

And plans are underway to make the concept a reality.

Cllr Edwards said the idea came from engaging with young people who are involved in his Kendal Youth Zone project. 

“A lot of these things are led by youths these days,” he said.

“I think it’s a really great thing to have and we’ve had a great response so far.

“We’re going to host Pride this year as part of Kendal Unity and then hopefully next year we can make it a proper Kendal Pride.

“It’s important to be engaged with this and make sure people understand that it’s perfectly fine and perfectly safe to be whoever they are.

“A lot of people want to get involved and it’s grown very quickly.

“We’re looking to form a committee and get the college and schools involved because it's obviously very much about them.

“It’s a great thing for the town going forward.

“Especially after everything that’s happened in the last few years it will be nice to have a carnival atmosphere and celebrate.”

Cllr Edwards has encouraged people wishing to get involved to contact him directly and he will keep residents updated on Kendal Pride’s progress.