A CHILDREN'S daycare and education centre near Windermere has been hailed as 'Outstanding' following a recent visit by Ofsted inspectors.

Little Rascals, in Troutbeck Bridge, provides early education and care for children aged 0-4, with 59 on the roll at the time of inspection on October 17.

The centre's last inspection was in 2016, when it was rated 'Good', but inspectors have praised every aspect of the learning experience in the latest report.

An overall observation in the report said: "Children thrive and make exceptional progress amidst the high level of nurture they receive at this outstanding setting.

"Children play safely in a well-organised environment and behave impeccably. 

"They readily share and notice when others need a resource to join in."

The report also paid tribute to the interaction of staff with children:

"Staff have incredibly high expectations of what children can learn.

Parents say that children learn skills such as gluing and sticking from a young age because staff patiently build up their skills. 

"Children are highly engaged in learning through sensory activities that are linked to the stories and songs they enjoy. 

"For example, toddlers explore oats with sticks and spoons as they listen to a familiar story. 

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"They become captivated as soft toys bring the story to life. 

Inspectors noted that the children are introduced to different cultures at an early age:

"Children experience food and celebrations from their peers' various cultures. 

"For example, they bake the different breads eaten by their peers at home.

"Parents cherish the invitation to share books and cultural items from home. 

"During Diwali, parents provided fabric for the children to dress up in saris

"These shared experiences help children to make links in their learning and strengthen their appreciation of everyone's uniqueness."

Music was seen to play a major role in children's development:

"Staff purposefully take time to help children learn vocabulary through songs. 

"Babies focus intently as they look to see what prop will be pulled from the music bag.

"They copy the expression of surprise on staff's faces and begin to repeat words."

Provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities was also praised, and the safeguarding knowledge of staff was described as 'superb', describing trips to Windermere to teach the children about water safety.