A brand new Christmas show is coming to Kendal this year to celebrate the town.

Kendal Community Theatre is presenting the show in Kendal Town Hall, delving into the magic of fairy tales.

Drawing inspiration from Cumbria, 'The Snow Queen in Kendal' has been adapted from the Hans Christian Andersen tale by local writer and director, Ginny Moss, together with Beth Saunders and Jules Boswell.

It is not the first fairy tale to be brought to life this year by KCT, organising performances that combine well known stories with the local area.

Street Theatre in June featured A Midsummer’s Day Dream, followed by a Marathon Fairy Tale storytelling session in August.

‘The Snow Queen in Kendal' tells the story of young Gerda's journey to find her old friend Kay and her efforts to rescue him from the frozen toils of the sinister Snow Queen in the icy Cumberland and Westmorland fells.

It is a fast-paced, exciting story, with a Cumbrian twist, involving physical theatre, music, dance, puppetry and audience participation.

The production involves a diverse cast with a wide range of talents and skills, from acting to dancing, and from costume design to stage lighting.

Other groups have joined with the core of the theatre company to bring the story to life.

Pupils from Sandgate School in Kendal play a part, whilst a local drumming group, Taiko Tethera, is also involved.

Life-size puppets made by the back stage crew have a role to play and are sure to delight younger members of the audience. 

Kendal Community Theatre is a professionally directed theatre company, established in 2012, and has been producing live theatre in Kendal each year including during the pandemic.

Its aim is to deliver innovative theatrical productions which are inclusive, encouraging participation from everyone in the community regardless of gender, age, disability, disadvantage or ethnicity.

'The Snow Queen in Kendal' runs from December 6-8, with December 7 being the 'Pay what You Can Afford' Night.

Tickets can be booked for this at no charge and then donations can be made on arrival at the performance.