WORK on Kendal's Flood Relief Scheme has been delayed after the discovery of buried concrete.

A block of concrete that measures 18ft was discovered by workers as part of the flood defence work in the Gooseholme area.

An EA spokesperson said: "The flood defences for Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme require deep foundations to provide both strength to the flood defences and prevent groundwater flooding which we know is a risk to some riverside locations.

"Whilst delivering our construction works, we encounter a range of ground conditions. In the Gooseholme location, we have come across a substantial piece of material underground which we are currently investigating. 

"Once investigations are complete, we will take the recommended measures to work with this material to ensure construction progresses. 

"We will do everything possible to minimise any delays caused and are continuing construction in the Gooseholme area to continue to deliver the flood scheme during this time."

The Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme promises to deliver over 6km of flood defences through the town.

Work began in early 2021 over five years after the region was battered by storm Desmond in 2015.

When completed, the Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme aims to reduce the risk of flooding to more than 1,400 homes and 1,100 local businesses across the catchment.

The Environment Agency (EA) began the work at New Road Common and had to get the government's permission as it is on common land.

Upon commencement of the work, EA said it took over five years for the work to commence because they needed to get these £76 million plans right.

Significant work took place this summer, including the construction of two working platforms at Waterside and conducting in-river works at Gooseholme.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to stay alert and still prepare for potential flooding.

These precautions can include signing up for the free Flood Warning Service and perfecting personal flood crisis plans.

For residents keen on knowing more about the ongoing flood scheme, the Kendal Flood Scheme Information Hub is open every Tuesday and Thursday on Little Aynam from 10am till 4.30pm.