THE PLANS to build a solar farm were given the green light as per recommendations in a bid to help a major employer meet carbon-neutral targets.

Members of Westmorland and Furness Council approved plans on January 11 to construct a 3MV solar farm near Burneside to provide electricity for James Cropper's paper mill.

The plans will provide renewable energy to local businesses and support the transition to a low-carbon future in a changing climate.

The application was presented to the Strategic Planning Committee as the site exceeds an area of 5 hectares.

The site comprises agricultural land associated with Burneside Hall and covers of an area of approximately 7.56 hectares. This is situated to the north of Burneside village and approximately 380m to the north of James Cropper Mill.  It will also offset 670 tonnes of CO2 each year.

The nearest residential properties to the development are Barnsdale, situated in an elevated position approximately 330m to the north, Houseman Tenement Farm, approximately 480m to the west and Burneside Hall, approximately 450m to the south. A former tip site associated with the mill is immediately to the south of the site.

The planning permission was granted subject to a set of conditions, including the time limit for commencement, the approved plans, landscaping, contamination, ground investigation, and renewable energy.

It stated: "The development permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

"The development hereby approved shall be carried out in complete accordance with the recommendations included within the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal."

Burneside Parish Council supported the application given the climate crisis but raised concerns over the size of the proposed development.

In addition, the plans received 16 representations, which raised concerns over the loss of farmland, the visual impact of the proposals and the detriment to the area's natural beauty.