Four people who went out for a meal at a pub in Kirkby Lonsdale were surprised by getting it for free.

The group visited The Highwayman last week and were one of the lucky guests taking part in the pub's 'Christmas envelopes' scheme.

The initiative involves giving visitors a sealed envelope if they popped by over the festive period and, if they return in January or February, they can open it at the end of their meal to uncover an unknown discount.

Aimee Sharples, one member of the team at The Highwayman, said: "It is one of the best parts of working here for me, I have always enjoyed giving out the envelopes because it’s lovely to be able to give our guests and friends of the pub a treat in the early months of the year. 

"Myself, Rich [the Head Chef] and the team absolutely love it when a table gets 100%, the surprise and joy a table gets really warms the heart, even winning 50% off is a thrill to everyone."

Since its opening in 2018, the Highwayman has been taking part in the scheme but the parent company, Brunning and Price, have been organising it for 12 years.

"It is always one of my favourite times of year being able to give our guests an extra treat," Aimee added.

"Plus it is really great for keeping us nice and busy in those early months."

The envelopes hide discounts ranging from 25% to 100%, applying to meals Monday to Thursday, with the only rule being that you have to keep it closed until your plates are clean.

It has already seen a couple of happy groups earn the top prize.

"Both tables were overjoyed and our latest one on Thursday was a group of ladies who come every week for their Thursday night dinner so it was really wonderful to see Pam and her friends win.

"We've had a few hundred come in with their envelopes so far but it really starts to take speed towards the end of the month and those last two weeks of February."