OFSTED delivered a personal letter of thanks to the students of Kirkbie Kendal School last week commending them for their enthusiasm in the school’s recent inspection.

Confirming earlier reports in the Westmorland Gazette, the school was given an official ‘good’ rating this week and student attainment was noted to be higher than in their 2007 inspection.

Headteacher Mr Phil Hyman stated: “I am very pleased with the report from Ofsted - in particular the commentary about students saying that students enjoy attending this school and they are proud to do so.”

Kirkbie Kendal School are the first South Lakes Federation of Schools to be inspected under the new ‘Framework for Inspection’, which was introduced from September with higher expectations than before.

The school’s specialist Business and Enterprise status was also commented on. Inspectors said: “The school uses their specialism extremely well: students’ enterprise skills and their understanding of the world of work and financial literacy are well developed”.

The report went on to comment that personal, social, health and citizenship education is good and literacy, numeracy and IT is well developed.

The letter directly addressed to students said: “On behalf of the inspection team, I would like to thank you for the manner in which you welcomed us to the school and particularly those students who shared their views of the school with us in meetings and through the pupil questionnaires”.

Mrs Crierie, Chair of Governors said “Ofsted made a point of mentioning that Kirkbie Kendal students show pride in attending this school, their good social skills and their respect for others. The Ofsted inspectors have seen how hard all the staff work at KKS to ensure that a positive environment is created for students to learn and grow in.”