SPORTY South Lakeland sixth formers are heading down under for a trip of a life time this summer.

Forty students from Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale, will take on sports teams across the east coast of Australia in July as part of a three week tour of the country.

Rugby, netball and hockey matches will be fought out against five schools in Brisbane, Sydney, Townsville and the picturesque Whitsunday Islands, but there will also be time for relaxation with trips planned to Manly Beech and the Sydney Opera House.

Students have spent two years fundraising for the trip which costs £2,500 per person and are now embarking on a final push for sponsorship before they set off.

Head of PE at the school Ian Higson said: “The students have all worked really hard to raise the money over the last couple of years but as a group we are still about £3,000 short of the total we need.”

“There’s been cake stalls, a promise auction, bag packing and a Sportspersons dinner with Bill Beaumont from the TV show A Question of Sport. It’s been a lot of effort and now we’re in the home straight,” he said.

This is the second time the school has run the sports tour to Australia and Mr Higson believes the trip is a great way for the students to gain life experience.

Training for all the teams is now under way to prepare for the tour.

Mr Higson said: “The Easter term has been an important one for all the teams to get some practice in. We’ve played some of the teams before when they came to the UK on their own school tours so with some of them we know what to expect.”

Captain of the rugby team Edward Towers, 18, said: “I’m looking forward to all the games and spending time with the Australian players we made friends with when they visited us last year.”

Netball captain Catherine Knipe, 17, said: “It’s going to be an amazing experience and one that you don’t usually get. I’m looking forward to learning about how they position their players and improve our game.”

Anyone who is interested in sponsoring the tour, an individual team, match or player is to contact Mr Higson on