PUPILS at Arkholme Primary School have launched a campaign urging speeding motorists to slow down in their village.

The youngsters designed their own signs which will be displayed close to the village after recording the speed of drivers going past their school and finding that many were exceeding the 30 mph limit.

They were helped by ex-police officer Will Hull, who visits Cumbrian schools promoting road safety, who stopped speeding drivers so the children could ask them why they were driving so fast.

Then they got to work on making a series of eye-catching road signs which they hope will improve the situation.

Andrew Bonwick, deputy headteacher, said: “The idea is that If it is children’s work, it is more likely to appeal to the driver. Mr Hull has set these up at other schools and he says it probably reduces speeding by about 40 per cent.

“Speeding is a problem near our school. We are on the crossroads and we have a blind junction there as well. One thing that was interesting is that some of the speeding motorists were parents with children at the school.”