STAVELEY’S community run loos have been twinned with conveniences in Cambodia to highlight the universal need for public toilet facilities. According to, 2.6 billion people, 40% of the world’s population, are without a clean and safe place to go to the loo.

By promoting the twinning campaign, Staveley’s volunteer toilet team want to highlight this massive global deficit. “Quite apart from public health issues, a public toilet is a vital but unsung part of the welcome that the village affords its visitors, and as such also plays a part in underpinning local businesses by making sure the people are happy to linger in the village,” said Dave Plumb, chairman of the Gowan Stop and Go Group.

A team of 15 volunteers are actively involved in keeping the facilities open in the heart of Staveley for the use of visitors and residents.

Funding has recently been obtained to upgrade the toilets to include a fully-equipped toilet for the disabled.

“People visiting the new miles-without-stiles riverside route in the village will soon have the comfort of knowing that Staveley’s public toilet will properly cater for them,” said Mr Plumb.