A KENDAL youngster is gearing up for a life-changing experience to help schoolchildren in Africa.

Matt Wightman, 15, is one of 40 people who are hoping to travel to Kenya as part of World Challenge in July.

They hope to complete a new classroom to replace the unsafe building which is currently being used.

But before he goes he needs to raise £2,700 to cover the costs of the trip — and he hopes the local community will be able to help out.

The Queen Katherine School pupil said: “The school is desperately lacking in enough space for the growing amount of children that they take on every year and the fact that the existing classrooms are made out of wood makes them temporary and unstable.

“We will be responsible for building the structure from foundation to ring beam level, something that will require a great deal of focus, commitment and dedication. As well as this main project there are also other potential tasks for us to get involved in - especially during times where we are waiting for cement or plaster to dry.

“The school lacks a decent playground and a vegetable garden. They also require repairs to some of the water pipes on site and a second set of goal posts on the football pitch.”

While in Kenya, the group will also help out with English lessons and climb Mount Kenya which stands over 16,000 feet.

But Matt added: “Possibly the hardest part of the challenge is to raise the money to go - £2,700. So far I have given up all of my birthday money and have done many fundraising events single handedly.

“I have organised football tournaments for years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11s, and I have even sold cakes. Every single penny of what I make has gone to the Kenya fund and I have raised over £1,900 doing these sorts of events and hopefully there will be plenty more. One of my ideas has been to organize a 1980s theme night.”

The 80s night is set to take place at Saturday, March 17, at Kendal Rugby Club from 7.30pm.