CUMBRIA Constabulary is supporting Alice Pyne who is raising money, along with a number of cyclists, for Alice’s Escapes which organises holidays and treats in the Lake District for families of seriously ill children.

Alice, who has Hodgkins Lymphoma, is raising funds for the charity, by supporting a number of cyclists as they bike from Lands End to John O Groats.

Tomorrow the cyclists will leave Warrington and travel to Ulverston, where they will be met by a police escort from Cumbria Constabulary and Alice, who will supporting the cyclist from a car, will accompany them to Booths in Ulverston, aiming to arrive at 4pm.

Chief Constable Stuart Hyde said: “We are proud to be able to assist Alice in her funding raising. This is a great charity which will provide breaks and holidays for those families who are going through very hard and tragic times. Alice is a great girl who, even though she is going through her own difficult time, is still able to raise money to help others.”

To find out more about the charity event, visit