A KENDAL nursery school is celebrating a glowing Ofsted report in which it has been graded ‘outstanding’ for the first time.

Known locally as Brantfield, Ofsted inspector Gillian Salter-Smith wrote in her report: “Highly skilled teaching within an exceptionally stimulating environment is underpinned by a shared philosophy.

“Children are highly valued and enabled to pursue their own interests. They grow in confidence and are imaginative, creative and independent. “Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school’s work.”

She also described headteacher Veronica Broyd and her 20 staff as an ‘exceptionally strong team’.

The praise comes after the Government introduced measures earlier this year to make it more difficult for schools to achieve ‘outstanding’ status.

Founded in 1946 at Abbot Hall, the Queen’s Road nursery was once threatened with closure because of low children numbers.

Mrs Broyd said: “We have developed, especially in the garden, which is an amazing place for three and four-year-olds to come and play.

“I’m really pleased because all the staff work really hard and show lots of skills, dedication and commitment.

“This enables the children to be really independent and supports their learning effectively. Children here are really happy, motivated and excited and the Ofsted report has ackowledged all that.”