HERE are the latest announcements from our community news correspondent Glenis Gaunt for Ingleton.

Report of Ingleton Parish Council Meeting held by video conference on 7 June 2021.

Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Members of Parish Council Committees.

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr. Metcalfe should continue as Chairman and Cllr. Emsley as Vice Chairman and this was agreed by the meeting.

Parish Council Sub Committees – It was agreed that the committees should remain unchanged, with the exception of the Joint Management Committee where Cllr. Walker will replace Mrs. Gaunt as a committee member as follows:

Joint Management Committee – Councillors Metcalfe, Brash, Emsley, McGonnigal and Walker were appointed.

Quarry Liaison – Councillors Metcalfe, Emsley and Lis were appointed

Bull Land Charity – the current trustees had not completed their four-year terms so no change was necessary

Police Liaison – Councillor Howson was appointed

Allotments Liaison – Councillor Weller was appointed

Bentham Common Land Charity – W. Tooby was appointed

Ingleton Swimming Pool – Councillor Howson was appointed.

It was resolved that all matters relating to the Village Action Team, Planning, Finance and Open Spaces will be dealt with by full Council. 

This includes the Riverside Project.

Ingleton Gala Road Closure – It was agreed by members to support the application for road closure by the Ingleton Gala Committee for the annual summer event.

Parks, Play Areas and Pump Track – Cllr. Walker reported on the recent meeting with YDMT and it was agreed matters should be progressed.

There was discussion on the development of the small site adjacent to the Pump Track.

Cllr. Lis reported on a recent meeting with young bikers to find out what they would like to see for the site.

They will be providing drawings of the sort of jumps they were looking for and the Councillor believed these had already been received by Cllr. Mckenzie.

The Chairman felt it was important to establish with the planning department that it was intended to make this use of the site.

Discussion followed on the issue of fencing and it was agreed the Chairman should inspect and measure the site.

Highways – Cllr. Emsley reported on the meeting with D. Griffiths to examine the issue of installing a vehicle activated sign to reduce speeding in the village.

The requests by a local resident near Pinecrofts were discussed but as there are no suitable poles in the vicinity placing a new one would greatly add to the cost.

It was agreed to purchase two TWM lights and request a speed survey from Highways to be conducted on Backgate.

Reports from District, County and Parish Councillors - Cllr. Lis also reported that he had received complaints regarding the siting of the memorial plaque base in the cemetery, following discussion with CDC officers another site was being considered.

Cllr. Lis then reported on a project being undertaken by Sustrans to build a cycle track between Kirkby and Ingleton using the old railway track as much as possible.

They had received a significant amount of funding to do this and the members agreed that it was an attractive proposal.

The Council agreed that Alex Miller from Sustrans should be invited to the next meeting.

Clerk’s job vacancy advertisement – the Chairman stated and the meeting agreed that the advertisement was well worded for its purpose and the Clerk confirmed that it had been circulated to neighbouring parishes and placed in the Bentham newsletter.

The Clerk confirmed that three queries had been received for the position but no firm takers to date.

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Monday 5 July 2021 at 7pm, in person at the Ingleborough Community Centre.