Why has there been so little notice regarding the decision to close New Road car park at Kendal, which is set to be ratified today (Wednesday) by the council.

No notification was given before The Westmorland Gazette report on August 24

'Safety fears force New Road ‘car park’ closure', do they? On what basis are these fears?

South Lakeland District Council has been trying for years to grab New Road and prevent the residents of Kendal from using it as they please. Do we have a number for the accidents that have taken place, or have there as yet, been none, and are they saying that at some unforeseen time in the future there may be accidents?

Various 'consultations' have taken place (presumably at vast expense) to enable the townsfolk of Kendal to voice their wishes with regard to the usage of this space and all have met with the proverbial raspberry. The town has advised the council loud and clear that they wish this area to continue to be used for car parking.

There are many questions that need researching and answering before the parking at New Road is relocated. Where, for instance, does the council propose that the congregation (many of whom are aged or infirm) parks when attending services at Holy Trinity and St George’s?

The Gazette's comment last week appeared to accept grudgingly that there is no alternative and that provision had been made for the cars usually parked on New Road by offering £1 a day parking in Westmorland Shopping Centre (total capacity 632). If all 180 move there, firstly is there room and secondly where are the tourists to park?

The jumble of linked areas at Beezon Fields really cannot be regarded as a feasible alternative - and surely accidents are as likely, or even more likely, to happen in this location and the access to it.

If it is seriously to be considered as an alternative, surely plans should be in place before the closure of New Road?

I believe a footpath runs through under the bridge - if the area is to be used for car parking, where is this to be relocated?

Terry Doherty
