I WANT to tell you all about the Moon this week. We often take the Moon for granted but it's a fascinating celestial object in its own right and deserves more than just a quick glance as you walk the dog.

The naked eye Moon has light and dark areas, better seen in binoculars. What are they? The dark areas are the lowlands, vast smooth plains of dark, frozen lava which flooded over the surface billions of years ago, after huge asteroid impacts. All the seas have their own names: the circular dark ‘sea’ top right is the Sea of Crises, Mare Crisium.

The light, brighter areas are the lunar highlands, essentially rough, mountainous areas covered with countless craters. The bright spot near the south pole, with bright rays streaking away from it, is the crater Tycho.

Next clear night take a proper look at the Moon. It deserves it!

Stuart Atkinson Eddington Astronomical Society of Kendal