On one of my not so frequent trips into Kendal with my car, I see that South Lakeland District Council has now put yet another obstacle to discourage visitors to the town.

I refer to the system of obtaining a ticket to park your car where you now have to have the registration on the car parking ticket. How petty!

Maybe it's because motorists are fighting back and passing on their tickets to new entrants to the car park.

How legal is this? After all, a motorist pays for time on a car park - what he does with that time is surely up to him.

SLDC gets paid for one hour of parking - whether it's for two different cars is surely immaterial.

Personally I think it's pure greed.

In the first instance a large majority of the population won't know the number of the car and will have to walk back to their car to get it.

In the second instance they won't have a pen and paper to write it on as the new numbers are so complex. How frustrating!

Surely the money spent on this could have been better spent.

Despite letter after letter in the Gazette objecting to SLDC's anti car policy its still continues to persecute the motorist and discourage visitors.

Is the next move to charge for each person in the car?

This, of course, will require cameras, which for all I know are already in place. More unnecessary expense.

May I also ask who within SLDC took the trouble to find out it was illegal to park on New Road?

Surely the councillors and employees of SLDC are there to look after the residents of South Lakeland and should find better things to do than going delving into the archives of the last two centuries and beyond.

John Robinson, Old Hutton