I read the article 'Court closure to hit tenants' (Gazette, August 27) and the Podium by the Rev Nick Devenish titled 'It is right that we should celebrate Magna Carta' (Gazette, July 2).

Article 40 of The Magna Carta reads: 'To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right to justice'.

While the last Coalition Government has denied the right to justice by cutting Legal Aid, we now have a Conservative Government threatening access to justice for families evicted from their homes due to the costs of reaching the available courts.

There must be therefore thousands of people across the county, and country, who may rightly ask who is the celebration for the Magna Carta for?

Anyone who has studied the quarrel between King John and the barons, will have concluded that the Magna Carta was to safeguard the interests of the barons, the landlords and elite, and not for the ordinary people.

Just as the Coalition Government and the present Government are cutting social benefits back to the 19th Century, is it also their intentions to take access to justice to all back to when only available for those with deep pockets.

Nicholas J. Stainforth
