THE last two weeks have provided a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to my training.

I have been really pushing my efforts and trying to force myself onto the streets of Kendal to ensure I am ready for the greatest race of all.

Since my last blog I have taken myself back to the gym at Lakes Leisure and started building my interval training - it seems a great way to build strength - and when I took it back to the roads I noticed a great difference.

But then last week I awoke to find a few inches of snow. Well I've never trained in snow before and being the clumsy so and so that my mates always call me, I panicked!

How would I get ready for 26.2 miles of running if the snow set in for 3 months.

Well, the perfect answer lies in the gym. Thanks to Vanessa and the team at Lakes Leisure, I will have a new programme to build stamina and hopefully a few personal trainer sessions to boot!

Great stuff, and with all the winter weather I took myself off for a well deserved break from running on Thursday night.

Yes, me and my housemates went sledging! Sounds great, and not bad for a 26 year old!

Well, there is a reason 26 year olds are not associated with sledging - because I failed to slow down with all the excitement, went straight off a 1m drop and landed square on my back sans hat, glasses and sledge.

Four days on I'm in a lot of pain, but nothing a speedy trip to the docs won't cure tomorrow.

Well the back pain has surely got my mind back in focus on the marathon.

Nothing other than running or football from now until April. It has opened my eyes to the task ahead and just how easily it could all come crashing down.

I have set out to run this marathon - yes, probably just the once - and I don't want to mess it up before I even get to mile one.

I have pledged to raise funds for the National Society for Epilepsy and that remains a goal. I have them to thank for my place and I want to let people know as much as possible about the illness, which has affected my sister for the last 13 years.

If I go injuring myself badly now and put myself out of the marathon, it will be a huge setback in many of my goals.

So fingers crossed I get the all clear with the doc tomorrow and I'll be back on a treadmill near you soon!

Just 131 days to go and lots to do to prepare... so as they say in some businesses... the snow must go on!